From dings & dents, to complete rebuilds.
Brookfield Collision & Restoration has the experience and knowledge to restore your car, truck, ag or boat to showroom appearance.
Brookfield Collision & Restoration
has the experience.
At Brookfield, we know that time is money. And your vehicle is special to you. We work with you & your budget to rebuild or repair as much as you desire or your budget will allow. Our no-hassle, no-BS approach helps you make decisions best for you.
Brookfield Collision & Restoration is local to you. Your service dollars are spent locally, helping make our community flourish.
We're small enough to be able to concentrate on your vehicle, and small enough to not have wasting
Brookfield has the expertise and knowledge to rebuild cars from the early 20th century, and repair cars from the 21st. And boats. And trucks. And motorcycles.